Thursday, April 06, 2006

Real BioDiesel

I am interested in cheaper energy, like you... and the rest of the world. Do you know anything about Bio Diesel? Well, I'm not going to say it's the solution to the energy problems of the world, but I'm willing to bet some of us could save a lot of money, just by powering our houses- maybe even partially powering them, with an alternative fuel, such as this biodiesel stuff. We'll need a generator you know, and we'll probably have to collect barrels of used vegetable oil from our local McDonald's chain. Truth be known, I've yet to try it. Here are some ebooks for making our own BioDiesel and getting set up with a generator. Electricity - Make It, Don't Buy It. and BioDiesel Made Easy

We saved a lot of money this year on heat. We have a coal furnace, and Dad and the boys rigged it up to drip used motor oil. It's kept us warm, and doesn't cost more then the gas it takes to take the barrels in the truck, down to the local auto man, fill them and tsiphoned home again. After drilling a small hole in a plate on the back of the furnace, a small copper tube was inserted, and oil was siphened to drip at a steady and slow rate.


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